Sunday, August 1, 2010

I'm going to Carolina in my mind...

Months ago, I had to begin preparing my mind and my heart for our move to North Carolina.  Even in our last days with family and friends, it all felt so surreal.  And now, sitting in our third-floor apartment in Wake Forest, Nolan and I jokingly say to one another, "O.k., it's been a great vacation- time to go home now!" We laugh about it, but the truth is- we have never experienced so much peace in all our lives.  The moment we said "YES" to God was the moment He was able to begin pouring out His richest blessings.  His power and provision over the last four months continues to amaze and humble me greatly.  The best way to describe this whole process has definitely been- "No room for doubt." I am so thankful for that. 

Also several months ago... my big sister, Ashley, began her efforts to persuade me that I am "blog-worthy."    She, being the older, wiser and more trendy sister that she is, had some persuasive arguments on blogging's behalf.  I agreed with all of her reasons at the time, but it never seemed like the right time  for me to begin a blog of my very own.  But now, more than ever, as I'm far away from those nearest to my heart, I want just one more way to connect and share my life with them.  I'm beginning to realize that it will be good for me to write about this new journey... almost like therapy.  I am excited about keeping track of all our first favorite memories in North Carolina, and being able to look back and remember them all so easily and with the convenient click of a mouse.  Somehow, big sisters tend to know what's best.... I have a feeling she will be my first blog follower- thanks, Ashley, for always being my biggest fan.  :)

On a side-note, Nolan begins seminary in two weeks- and is ready to get things going.  When mom and dad helped us move two weeks ago, we gave them a tour of Southeastern's campus.  Here's our first seminary picture together:
Dad took the picture with his cell phone- and it ended up turning out really great!  More pictures of our move to N.C. to come VERY SOON.  Much love to all of our family and friends- thank you for your prayers and loving support- I would be honored to share this journey with you.  Hope you enjoy!


  1. LOVE IT! Welcome to the blogging world! You'll be great! =)

  2. 2nd greatest fan for sure. I love it ... and I love you! :)

  3. Hi Cara! Alec really misses you guys!!! Praying for you! Julie

  4. Love your blog! You're a natural.

  5. Ok, PERFECT name for your blog! I love it! :) So glad you're here and I can't wait to keep up with this incredible journey God has planned for the Rumbles! I love you.
