Monday, January 31, 2011

Shew, Flu, Don't Bother Me

I have the flu.  

Anyone who's ever had the flu knows what it entails:  fever, aching all over (like you've been hit by a semi-truck), coughing, sneezing, sore throat, and the list goes on.  I should have learned my lesson though- it was around this time last year that I was out of commission for close to a week (which is FOREVER when you're a school teacher!) So, Mr. FLU, I have something to say to you: Next year, you will not have me.  I will dominate you with a flu shot

Even though I've felt quite terrible these last couple days, it's been nice to have some snuggle buddies to stay close by and keep me company:
Reesie and Roni :)
Roni is really starting to love his new friend, Reesie.  We adopted her about a month ago, and she is the sweetest thing ever.  At first, Roni was unsure about her and would bite her and try to chase her all over the apartment.  Now, they play together, take naps together, share food, and even give each other kitty baths :) I think they will be life-long pals and we love their sweet companionship.  Here are some other great ones:
We like to call her "Reesie Cat" :)
Chasing the sunlight.
Lounging around.
Playing with their favorite string :)  
 These kitties are livin' the dream! 
I think they are long lost siblings, don't you?? :)